
來源:搜狐 發(fā)表于2019-09-27 13:40:40 編輯:莫小煙
摘要: 原標(biāo)題:付亦菲:在天行一中戰(zhàn)勝默默無聞的自己 最近陸陸續(xù)續(xù)在后臺收到了很多留言,發(fā)現(xiàn)不少學(xué)生及家長對國際學(xué)校充滿好奇,很多人想了解什么是國




  Dear teachers and friends


  Good morning , I am YiFei Fu from class 1 senior 2. It is my greatpressure to stand here to communicate with you as a senior. Firstly, on behalfof all the students, I will come the arrival of new students, there is no doubtthat people are always curious about strange surroundings, I guess that most ofyou are curious about Teesen International School, so today I'm going to talkabout 2 main purposes. first one is to correct the traditional definition ofinternational education and international students by layman. Second one isshare the experience and the feeling I got from Teesen for one year.



  One year is so short. In retrospect, it'slike enjoy a movie with wonderful storyline real but dramatic.


  At the beginning of the story, it is also thebeginning of my high school life. After I finished the important examination inJuly. I gave up the Graduation trip. Then I chose go to longhu mountain,in order to join theTeesen activity for four days. since itis the first activities I joined inTeesen, it is impressive for me.Especially for the perfect combination ofextremely challenge and the teamwork , that is the first time I became aleader, not a normal girl,I conquered my inner demon, who would only be contentwith obscurity.



  Then, high school life began in August. After I knew the wholesemester's study plan, I am not sure whether your first feeling is same asmine. I disagree the internationaleducation is easier than traditional education. Career planning is the firstmain task of senior high school, followed by choice about a level's subjectsand two CIE examinations. At the same time, IELTS or TOEFL, as the onlylanguage achievement for University applications, should not be underestimated.In addition, there are numerous activities in the school: vocational rulescourses, vocational groups, probation tasks, community activities, lectures byfamous teachers, meeting of admissions officers, academic competitions, exchangeprograms, study tours... Although it is these seemingly unintentionalactivities , actually it accumulate materialfor applying the university, so that we can get rid of the heavy study, releasepressure and then invest in the next stage of intensive learning more energetic.



  Teesen has a famous saying, "Sometimes, choices outweighefforts." After choosing suitable subjects, a suitable specialty and asuitable target university, after the same efforts, we can get more rewards.It's like choosing an international education , which is definitely contrary to tradition. But here, we havemore choices than traditional students. We can choose the most suitable one inadvance among many majors, only in this way, we will not be confused in theprocess of next efforts. Because every day's efforts, never just to achievegood results in the next test, but for the ultimate dream.



  International education is not alwaysfilled with a sense of coercion. In other words, it means a stronger need forthe word "self-discipline". You can choose to be content with station,easily complete the basic tasks assigned by the teacher and be at ease. You canalso choose to use those precious three years to force yourself to pushyourself out of the comfort zone to meet greater challenges. I believe thatevery excellent person is eager and seizes the opportunity to exercise themselves,eager to break cocoons into butterflies after the pain of metamorphosis. Inother words, they like to "find abuse" and enjoy the process. Becausethey understand that only by constantly doing what they don't want to do, lifewill move forward and be closer to their dreams. As Lu Yao said, "Life isa struggle of its own, and no one else is required to arrange it." As ayoung generation, we need to climb up constantly, which is the missionentrusted to us by youth. Youth is a kind of scarce capital, and our task is toclimb it to win qualification. I hope that all students can find your dreamsand try to achieve .I hope that the students of Senior Two and Senior Threewill never forget their first intention until they achieve.


  To end up,all i would like to say is internationaleducation is an investment instead of a consumption.Follow your heart andredefine image of international student who are used to be the person who no one imagine anything of,because that sometimes it’s the people who no one imagine anything of ,who do thethings that no one can imagine.




  朗讀:Cathy Miles



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